Announcements, Updates, and Pertinent Material
Resonant Converters and Soft-Switching Techniques
EE 25394 Spring 2023
This is a postgraduate course in electric power engineering that is offered in fall semesters.
The required prerequisite for the course is EE25363 , power electronics. The course includes principles of soft switching techniques in power electronics. Sinusoidal approximations in analysis of series, parallel, and other resonant dc-dc converters as well as state-plane analysis of resonant, quasi-resonant, zero-voltage transition, and auxiliary-switch circuits are discussed. Dynamic models of resonant and quasi-resonant converters are derived. Further details of the course policies are listed on the Vitals page.
CLLC Resonant Converter using GaN semiconductors
Design & Implementation by Mohsen Rezayati
PhD Dissertation 2020
Department of Electrical Engineering
Sharif University of Technology