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                       Department of Electrical Engineering
                       Sharif University of Technology

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Course Information

Objectives: The course includes a detailed study of different resonant and quasi-resonant converter circuits and the mechanisms of soft switching in them.

Context: In the first section of the course, resonant converters are investigated using two analysis approaches including sinusoidal approximation and state plane analysis. Then small-signal modeling of resonant converters using the averaged switch model and the phasor transform methods are introduced. Finally design principals of resonant converters are presented. The second section of this course covers the resonant switch and related converters. In this section quasi resonant converters are introduced and their operations are analyzed using state plane. Also dynamic models for quasi-resonant converters are derived. Then the soft switching methods are introduced for fixed frequency converters. Finally active clamp circuits are investigated using state plane analysis.

Relation to other courses:  The course is offered to all students following an MSc Program in Electric Power Engineering at Sharif University of Technology.

Pre-requisites:  The pre-requisite for the course is EE25363, power electronics.

Assumed knowledge:  It is assumed that the students are familiar with dynamic modeling of PWM converters.

Following courses: This is one of the specialization courses for students following the "Power electronics and electrical machines".

Topics Covered

       Soft switching
       Resonant converter applications and approaches
       Ttypical circuits

       The classical series resonant, parallel resonant, LCC, and similar dc-dc and dc-ac converters
       The sinusoidal approximation for resonant converter analysis
       Zero-voltage and zero-current switching
       Resonant converter design techniques based on frequency response
       Dynamic modeling and small-signal ac behavior
       Fundamentals of state-plane and averaged analysis of resonant circuits
       Exact analysis of the series resonant converter
               - CCM
               - DCM
       Exact analysis of the parallel resonant converter

       The ZCS and ZVS quasi-resonant converters
       Dynamic modeling and small-signal ac behavior of quasi-resonant converters
       Multiresonant switches
       Quasi-square-wave converters
       Zero-voltage transition (ZVT) converters
       Active clamp circuits

                       Department of Electrical Engineering
                       Sharif University of Technology

Resonant Converters and Soft-Switching Techniques
   EE 25394 Spring 2021