& Organization
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Associations &
U.S.A , Canada and U.K
American Association of
petroleum Geologist
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Geophysical Union American Ground
Water Trust nonprofit education organization with a
focus on ground water issues American
Ground Water Trust (Public) Web site providing basic
well and ground water information for the public
Arizona Water Well
Association Awwa Research Foundation international
nonprofit organization that sponsors research in support of
safe and affordable drinking water. Association for the
Environmental Health of Soils Association of Engineering Geologists Australian
Drilling Industry Association British Columbia
Ground Water Association
Groundwater Association Canadian Ground Water Association Colorado Ground-Water Association Colorado Water Well Contractors Association
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research
Organization Australia's largest scientific research
organization Empire State Water Well Drillers
Environmental Impact Assessment
Environmental Protection Agency
Florida Ground Water Association Groundwater
Foundation an organization that provides information
about ground water for the public, including information and
activities for children Groundwater Resources Association of
California Ground-Water Remediation Technologies Analysis
Groundwater Management District
Association Hydroweb Web site of the International
Association for Environmental Hydrology Idaho Ground Water
Association IET Web Resources Portal for
Geoscientists Illinois Association of Groundwater
Professionals Illinois Groundwater Association Instrumentation Testing Association
International Association of Hydrogeologist Iowa Groundwater
Association communication, education, research Iowa Water Well
Association Lifewater Canada Minnesota Ground
Water Association Missouri
Water Well Association National Association of Environmental
Professionals National Drinking Water Clearinghouse
assisting small communities by collecting, developing, and
providing timely information relevant to drinking water
issues National Environmental Training Center for Small
Communities provides training, information, and referral
services in the areas of waste water, drinking water, and
solid waste
National Ground Water Association National Society of Professional Engineers
Tribal Environmental Council
National Water
Resource Association
Nebraska Well Drillers Association New Jersey Ground
Water Association New Mexico Ground Water Association Northern
California Regional Chapter of the Society of Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry NSF International a not-for-profit
organization that has been developing independent standards
and performing certification and testing services related to
public health and safety for more than 50 years Ohio Water
Well Association Oregon Ground Water Association Pennsylvania Ground
Water Association Rocky Mountain Association of Environmental
Professionals SEAR Technology Alliance strategic
alliance for surfactant-based technologies Texas Ground Water
Association Texas Section of the American Institute of
Professional Geologists UK
Groundwater Forum Underwriters Laboratories Inc. an
independent, not-for-profit product-safety testing and
certification organization, testing products for public safety
for more than a century
U.S Army Corps of Engineering
Washington State Ground Water
Association Water Environment Federation Wessex Institute
of Technology Centre of Excellence in Engineering
Research Westerville, Ohio, Public Library Web
Server Wisconsin Ground Water Association Wisconsin Section
of the American Institute of Professional Geologists Wisconsin Water Well Association Inc. Wyoming Water
Well Association
German Federal
Institute of Hydrology BfG
German Federal
Institute of Hydrology BfG - Global Runoff Data Centre GRDC
German Federal Environmental Agency UBA - Water: Protection and
Centre for Environmental
Research Leipzig-Halle UFZ
Global Water Information
Network GLOBWINET (GLOBWINET is an associated program of the
Global Water Partnership. It is funded by the German Federal Ministry for
Economic Cooperation and Development BMZ and implemented by the
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit GTZ GmbH )
Global Water Partnership
GWP (GWP is an international network of organizations and
institutions, interested in water resources development and management)
Groundwater Research Centre
Dresden e.V. DGFZ
International Groundwater
Resources Assessment Centre IGRAC (IGRAC facilitates and
promotes world-wide exchange of groundwater knowledge ... to improve
assessment, development and management of groundwater resources)
International Office for Water IOW (a non-profit making
association under the French law; its objective is to gather public and
private partners involved in water resources management and protection in
France, Europe and in the world)
International Water
Management Institute IWMI (a non-profit scientific research
organization specializing in water use in agriculture and integrated
management of water and land resources)
The Groundwater
Foundation (a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to informing the
public about one of our greatest hidden resources, groundwater)
The World's Water
(information on the world's freshwater resources)
World Water
Council WWC (the international water policy think tank)