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Sharif University of Technology
2012  Languages & Linguistics Center, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

  • The effect of word games on the development of vocabulary among secondary school students in Iran

  • A communicative task-based reading comprehension test

  • The relationship between gender and politeness in the lexical use of English among Khatam university students

  • A critical look to ESP texts used in Iran (English for the students of science)
Research Activities
Mirhassani, A., & Alemi, M. & Behroozi,P.(2008). Effective Reading (vol. 1). Tehran: Kasakavosh Publication.
Mirhassani, A., & Behroozi,P. & Alemi, M. (2008). Effective Reading (vol. 2). Tehran: Kasakavosh Publication.
Alemi, M., et al., "Let's Start Reading", (First  Edition: 2006) Tehran: Noor-e Danesh Publication.(Second Edition: 2008)
Daftarifard, P. & Alemi, M., & Mihandoust, P. (2006). The First 1000 Frequent English Words (Sight Vocabulary). Tehran: Marefat Publication.
Alemi, M. (2010). English for the Students of Public Relations. Tehran: Applied- Science University Press.
- Daftarifard, P., & Alemi, M. (Forthcoming).
The Third 1000 Frequent English Words (Academic Vocabulary).

- Daftarifard, P., Alemi, M., & Garmeii, M. (Forthcoming). The Second 1000 Frequent English Words (Sight Vocabulary).

- Mihandoust,P. & Alemi, M. (Forthcoming). How to Learn Grammar Easily.
- Tajeddin,Z.& Alemi,M. (Forthcoming). A Dictionary of Journalistic Terms.
-Tajeddin,Z.& Alemi,M. (Forthcoming).  Persian Reading to Non- Persian Speakers(Advanced Level)
Alemi, M., & Mihandoust, P., "English for All Purposes (EAP)", (First  Edition: 2006) Tehran: Kavoshgarane Rayaneh  Publication, (Second Edition: 2008), (Third Edition: 2009) Tehran: Farhange Alem Publication.
First Edition

Second Edition

Third Edition

First Edition

Second Edition

Mihandoust, P., & Alemi, M., "English for University Students", (First  Edition: 2007) Tehran: Marefat Publication,(Second Edition: 2008).
Alemi, M., et al. (2009). General  English  for  Science & Engineering  students .Tehran : Farhange Alem.
1.Alemi, M., Sadevandi, N. (2012). Critical Thinking in EFL Context: The Effects of Learners' Major of Study and Gender. Asian Social Science, forthcoming.

2.Alemi, M., Hesami, Z. (2012). Evaluation of Iranian English textbooks for junior high schools. FOLIO, forthcoming.

3.Alemi, M., Anani S. R. & Lari, Z. (2012). Successful learning of academic word list via MALL: Mobile assisted language learning. International Education Study Journal, 5(6).

4.Alemi, M., Tajeddin, Z. & Mesbah, Z. (2012). Willingness to communicate in L2 English: Impact of learner variables" to Asian Social Science, forthcoming.

5.Alemi, M., Mesbah, Z. (2012). Textbook evaluation based on the ACTFL standards: The case of Top Notch series. Iranian EFL Journal, forthcoming.

6.Alemi, M., Isavi, E. (2012). Evaluation of interactional metadiscourse in EFL textbooks. Advances in Asian Social Science, 2(1), 422-430.

7.Alemi, M., Sadehvandi, N. (2012). Textbook evaluation: EFL teachers' perspectives on "Pacesetter Series". ELT, 5(7), 64-74.

8.Alemi, M., Jafari, H. (2012). Gender and culture analysis in EFL textbooks as measured by personal proper names.  Advances in Asian Social Science, 1(2), 237-243.

9.Alemi, M., Miraghae, A. (2012). A comparative study of testing grammar knowledge of Iranian students between cloze and multiple-choice tests. Modern Journal of Applied Linguistics, 4(1), 16-35.

10.Alemi, M., Pashmforoosh, R. (2011). EFL Learners' Willingness to Communicate: The Interplay between language learning anxiety and language proficiency. Proceeding of Design and Modeling in Science, Education, and Technology: DeMset 2011, Orlando, Florida, USA.

11.Alemi, M., Pakzadian, S. (2011). Willingness to communicate in English in EFL context. Proceedings of the International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Madrid, Spain, 5519.

12.Alemi, M., Daftarifard, P., & Pashmforoosh, R. (2011). The impact of language anxiety and language proficiency on WTC in EFL context. Cross-Cultural Communication, 7(3), 150-166.

13.Mahyari, M., Alemi, M. (2011). Eye on China and United States. BRAND. Broad Research in Accounting, Negotiation, and Distribution, 2(2), 67-74. ISSN 2067-8177.

14.Alemi, M. (2011). Difference in assessment: Towards a dynamic assessment approach in education, Proceeding book, CISTA, Orlando, Florida, USA.

15.Alemi, M., Lavasani, M., Daftarifard, P. (2011). Constructivism, connectionism, and emergentism in SLA commonalities and differences, TEACH. Training, Evaluation, Alumni, Curricula, and Homework, 1(1).

16.Derakhshan, A. Rezaie, S. & Alemi, M. (2011). Alternative assessment, or alternatives to assessment: A solution or a quandary, International Journal of English Linguistics, 1(1), 173-178.

17.Alemi, M. (2011). The use of literary works in an EFL class. Theory and Practice in Language Studies. (TPLS), 1(2), 177-180.

18.Birjandi, P., Alemi, M. (2010). The impact of test anxiety on test performance among Iranian EFL learners. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 1(4), 44-58.

19.Alemi, M., Daftarifard, P. & Tobolcea, I. (2010). Mismatches between learner's style and teacher's style in L2: A concern for communication, a case of Iranian adult. JLTR. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 2(2), 323-331.

20.Tajeddin, Z. Alemi, M. (2010). Less proficient vs. more proficient L2 learners' preferences for compensation strategies: L1-based, L2-based, and non-linguistic. LiBRI.  Linguistics and Literary Broad Research Innovation, 1(2), 48-55.

21.Alemi, M., Tayebi, A. (2010). The influence of incidental and intentional vocabulary acquisition and vocabulary strategy use on learning L2 vocabularies. JLTR. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 2(1), 81-98.

22.Fahim, M., Bagherkazemi, & M., Alemi, M. (2010). The relationship between test takers' multiple intelligences and their performance on the reading sections of TOEFL and IELTS. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 1(3), 1-14.

23.Bagherkazemi, M., Alemi. M. (2010). Literature in the EFL/ESL classroom: Consensus and controversy. LIBRI. Linguistics and Literary Broad Research Innovation, 1(1), 1-12.

24.        Fahim, F.  Bagherkazemi, & M. Alemi, M. (2010). The relationship between test takers' critical thinking ability and their L2 reading proficiency. JLTR. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 1(6), 830-837.

25.Alemi, M., Daftarifard, P.  (2010). Pedagogical innovation in language teaching methodologies. JLTR. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 1(6), 765-770.

26.Khatib, M., Alemi, M. & Daftarifard, P. (2010). On the relationship between Input and interaction psycholinguistic, cognitive, and ecological perspectives in SLA. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 1(4), 59-68.

27.Alemi, M., Daftarifard, P. (2010). Implication of studies on bilingualism for SLA. JLTR. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 1(5), 671-677.

28.Alemi, M., Daftarifard, P. (2010). Modular vs. unitary (Non-modular) views on the brain and mind, BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 1(3), 83-87.

29.Alemi, M. (2010). Educational game as a vehicle to teaching vocabulary. MJAL. Modern Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2(5), 425-438.

30.Alemi, M. Ebadi, S. (2010). The effects of pre-reading activities on ESP reading comprehension. JLTR. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 1(5), 569-577.

31.Alemi, M. (2010). Using Eliot's short story to improve EFL learner's communication abilities and literary understanding. LIBRI.  Linguistics and Literary Broad Research Innovation, 1(1), 19-29.

32.Alemi, M., Daftarifard, P. & Patrut, B. (2010). The implication of chaos/complexity theory into second language acquisition. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 1(4), 34-40.

Conferences Attended
1.2012: The effects of SMS on university students, vocabulary learning. Paper will be presented at The First Conference on Language Learning and Teaching: An Interdisciplinary Approach, ILT-IA, Mashad, Iran.

2.2012: L2 Learners' Use of Metadiscourse Markers in Online Discussion Forums. Paper will be presented at 8th Conference on Linguistics, Tehran, Iran.

3.2012: Textbook evaluation from pragmatic dimension in Tactics Series. Paper presented at The Sixth Conference on Issues in English Language Teaching in Iran (IELTI-6). University of Tehran, Iran.

4.2012: Critical Thinking: Humanities vs. engineering undergraduate students. Paper will be presented at the 1st CELS, Baku, Azarbaican.

5.2012:  The Effects of CALL on the Vocabulary Learning and Reading Comprehension of Iranian EFL Learners. Paper will be presented at the 10th International TELLSI Conference, Tehran, Iran.

6.2012: Non-native Teachers' Response to Speaking Rater Training: Impact on Their Attitudes toward Speaking Construct and Scoring Accuracy. Paper will be presented at the 10th International TELLSI Conference, Tehran, Iran.

7.2012: Politeness markers in English emails in EFL context. Paper will be presented at The Second Conference on ELT in the Islamic World. Tehran. Iran.

8.2012: Pragmatic rating of L2 refusal: Criteria of native and non?native English teachers. Paper will be presented at Conference on Pragmatics of the Americas, AMPRA. Charlotte, USA.

9.2012: The Use of Games to Foster Fluency. Paper will be presented at 6th European Conference on Games Based Learning, ECGBL, Cork, Ireland.

10.2012: EFL Teachers' Self-efficacy Beliefs in Teaching Literature. Paper will be presented at Nineteenth International Conference on Learning, London, UK

11.2012: Evaluation of Iranian English Textbooks for Junior High Schools. Paper presented at First International Interdisiplinary Conference on Art, Language and Technology, ICALT 2012, Mashad, Iran.

12.2012: The Total English Series Evaluation: A Focus on Cultural Issues. Paper presented at First International Interdisciplinary Conference on Art, Language and Technology, ICALT 2012, Mashad, Iran.

13.2012: A Comparison of Academic Word List Coverage in two Local & Global General English Textbooks. Paper presented at First International Interdisiplinary Conference on Art, Language and Technology, ICALT 2012, Mashad, Iran.

14.2012: Politeness Markers in Business Purposes Textbook. Poster presented at ELF 5, Bo?aziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey.

15.2012: Native English teachers' pragmatics assessment of L2 apology: Content and FACETS analyses of rating criteria and bias. Paper presented at NDLP, the 6th Lodz Symposium on New Developments in Linguistic Pragmatics, Lodz, Poland.

16.2012: Pragmatic rater training: Does it affect rating accuracy and consistency? Paper presented at NDLP, the 6th Lodz Symposium on New Developments in Linguistic Pragmatics, Lodz, Poland.

17.2012: Representation of Metadiscourse Markers in EFL Textbook. Paper   presented at MATSDA/University of Limerick Conference, Applied Linguistics and Materials Development. Ireland.

18.2012: Textbook Evaluation based on the ACTFL standards: Top Notch series. Paper   presented at MATSDA/University of Limerick Conference, Applied Linguistics and Materials Development. Ireland.

19.2012: An evaluation of Pacesetter series: Applying Litz's teacher textbook evaluation form. Paper presented at 1st Akdeniz Language Studies Conference, Antalya, Turkey.

20.2012: Listening textbook evaluation: A pragmatic approach on "Tactics" series. Paper presented at 1st Akdeniz Language Studies Conference, Antalya, Turkey.

21.2011: Willingness to communicate in English in EFL context. Paper presented at ICERI 2011, International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Madrid, Spain.

22.2011: Impact of Language Anxiety and Language Proficiency on WTC in EFL Context. Paper presented at Design and Modeling in Science, Education, and Technology: DeMset 2011, Orlando, Florida, USA.

23.2011: Difference in Assessment: Towards a Dynamic Assessment Approach in Education. Paper presented at CISTA, Orlando, Florida, USA.

24.2011: The Interplay between test-taking anxiety and the sociocultural variables of L2 Pragmatic norms in Listening in an EAP Context. Paper presented at IPRA, 12th International Pragmatics Conference, Manchester, U. K.

25.2011: The Impact of Dynamic Assessment on Students' Self Assessment in EFL Writing. Paper presented at Bremen Symposium 2011, Germany.

26.2011: The Impact of Dynamic Assessment upon EFL Student Writers' Self Assessment. Paper presented at Red-Conference - rethinking education in the knowledge society international conference in Ascona, Switzerland.

27.2010: Modeling the Components Comprising the Construct of L2-Specific Test Anxiety and Their Relationship to Test Performance. The paper presented at First International Conference on ELT in the Islamic World, Tehran, Iran.

28.2010: The Relationship Between Test Takers' Critical Thinking Ability and Their L2 Reading Proficiency. The paper presented at TELSI 8, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.

29.2010: What Makes Macbeth Commit the Crime? The paper presented at (S & U 2010): The Said & The Unsaid, University of Vlora, Albania.

30.2010: Literature in the EFL/ESL Classrooms: Consensus and Controversy, the paper presented at (S & U 2010): The Said & The Unsaid, University of Vlora, Albania.

31.2010: Good Language Learner and Identity: The Case of Listening Proficiency, the paper presented at Malaysia International Conference on Foreign Languages (MIFL2010): Languages and Construction of the Identities, University Putra Malaysia.

32.2010: What Is the Ultimate Goal of SLA: Identity in the Centre of Attention? Activity Theory Perspective, 3rd International Online Language Conference (IOLC 2010).

33.2010: The Impact of Word Games on Vocabulary Expansion. The paper presented at 4th European Conference on Games Based Learning, The Danish School of Education, University of Aarhus, Copenhagen, Denmark.

34.2010: Learner's and Teacher's Cognitive and Affective Factors (Mis) Match: A Case of Iranian Adult. The paper presented at LIMOBIS, International Conference of Language Impairment in Monolingual and Bilingual Society, Aalborg University, Denmark.

35.2010: Implication of Studies on Bilingualism for SLA. Paper presented at International Unity in Diversity, Poland.

36.2010: Scaffolding L2 Reading Comprehension and Recall Through Concept Maps Accompanying Texts. Presented at EDULEARN10: "International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies", Barcelona, Spain.

37.2010: Pedagogical Innovations in Language Teaching Methodologies.  Presented at EDULEARN10: "International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies", Barcelona, Spain.

38.2010: Modular vs. Unitary (Non-modular) Views on the Brain and Mind. Paper   presented at ICCESSE 2010: "International Conference on Computer, Electrical, and Systems Science, and Engineering", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Paris, France.

39.2010: Good and poor learners' production of apology and refusal.  Presented at 18th International Conference on Pragmatics and Language Learning, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan.

40.2010: The Relationship between Reading Motivation and Reading Achievement. Paper presented at The 17th International Conference on Learning, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong-Kong.

41.2010: The effect of motivation on reading achievement. Paper   presented at Second International Conference on Linguistic and Intercultural Education (CLIE2), The Institute for Foreign Languages (IFL) of the University of Montenegro, Herceg Novi, Montenegro.

42.2010: Strategies to address diversity in language teaching. Paper presented at WCCES XIV World Congress, Bogaziçi University, Faculty of Education, Istanbul, Turkey.

43.2010: Instructional strategies to address diversity in language teaching. Paper   presented at The 2010 College Teaching & Learning Conference (TLC), Clute Institute for Academic Research, Dublin/Ireland.

44.2010: The relationship between test takers' critical thinking ability and their performance on the reading section of paper-based TOEFL. Paper   presented at The 2010 College Teaching & Learning Conference (TLC), Clute Institute for Academic Research, Dublin/Ireland.
45.2010: The differential cognitive strategy use underlying L2 learning by low-and high-proficiency EFL learners.  Presented at International Conference on Cognitive Processes in Language CogLang 2010, University of Lodz, Lodz/Poland.

46.2010:  L2 Learners' Preferences for Compensation Strategies: L1-Based, L2-Based, or Non-Linguistic. Paper presented at The 3rd International ELT Conference, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta/Northern Cyprus Turkish Republic.

47.2010:  Using Eliot's short story to improve EFL learners' communication abilities and literary understanding.  Presented at Fifth International IDEA Conference: Studies in English, Atilim University, Ankara, Turkey.

48.2009: The Cognitive Nature of Classroom- embedded l2 Learning at Elementary and Advanced Stages.  Presented at The 10th Nordic Conference on Bilingualism University of Tartu, Estonia.

49.2009: Who Should Write the Research Manuscript in English in an EFL Context: Translator or the Author?  Presented at The 9th International EATAW (European Association Teaching Academic Writing) Conference in the UK.

50.2009: Text Structure of Recall and Translation Protocols in Examining Comprehension, Presented at The 9th International EATAW (European Association Teaching Academic Writing) Conference in the UK.

Alemi, M., Miraghaee, A., (2011). How To Test English Grammar: Cloze Test or Multiple-choice Test?, Saarbrücken VDM, Verlag Dr. Muller.
Alemi, M., Hassanzadeh, M., Derakhshan, A., (2011). Topic-based Listening and Speaking, Saarbrücken: LAP, Lambert Academic Publishing Gmbh & Co. KG.
Alemi, M. Derakhshan, A., Rezaie, S. (2011). English Reading for EFL learners. Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG.
Alemi, M. (2010). Utilizing Game-based Learning to Develop Vocabulary Knowledge. Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG.
Patrut, B. Alemi. M. (2011). Advances in Cognitive Sciences. (ed.) Tehran: Farhange Alem Publication.
Tajeddin , Z., Alemi, M., Pakzadian,S. (2012). Dynamic Assessment and Interlanguage Pragmatics, Saarbrücken VDM, Verlag Dr. Muller.
Alemi, M., Janatifar,M. (2012). The Effects of Reading-logs upon the Student's Story Reading Ability, Saarbrücken VDM, Verlag Dr. Muller.
Alemi, M., Fallah,A. (2012). How to Use Games to Promote Fluency, Saarbrücken VDM, Verlag Dr. Muller.