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  3DFATMIC  3DFATMIC - 3D microbe and chemical flow and transport model for computing and predicting the distribution of pressure head, moisture content, flow velocity, and total head.
  3DFEMFAT  3DFEMFAT is a 3-Dimensional Finite-Element Model of Flow And Transport through Saturated-Unsaturated Media, including coupled density-dependent flow and transport.
  AQUA3D  AQUA3D - AQUA3D solves transient groundwater flow with anisotropic flow conditions. Solves transient transport of contaminants and heat with convection, decay, adsorption and velocity-dependent dispersion.
  Argus ONE  Argus Open Numerical Environments (Argus ONE) - A finite-element and finite-difference numerical preprocessor providing a unified modeling solution for groundwater models
  BIOF&T  BIOF&T - BIOF&T models biodegradation, flow and transport in the sat/unsat zones in 2 or 3 dimensions in heterogeneous, anisotropic porous media or fractured media
  Bioslurp  BIOSLURP is an areal finite-element model to simulate three-phase (water, oil and gas) flow and multicomponent transport in ground water in the unsaturated zone gas phase.
  ChemFlux  ChemFlux is a contaminant transport software modeling package for modeling of mass transport, contaminant concentrations and plume migration.
  FEFLOW  FEFLOW Model - 2D/3D finite element subsurface flow system - model for density dependent groundwater flow, heat flow and contaminant transport
  GMS - Groundwater Modeling System  GMS supports both finite-difference and finite-element groundwater models in 2D and 3D including MODFLOW 2000, MODPATH, MT3DMS/RT3D, SEAM3D, ART3D, UTCHEM, FEMWATER, PEST, UCODE, MODAEM and SEEP2D.
  Groundwater Vistas  Groundwater Vistas - Complete groundwater model design and analysis for MODFLOW, MODFLOW-SURFACT, MODPATH, MT3D and PEST. Now available with GW3D visualization and Remote Model Launch.
  Hydrogeochem  HYDROGEOCHEM is a coupled model of hydrologic transport and geochemical reaction in saturated-unsaturated media.
 Hydrogeochem2  HYDROGEOCHEM 2 is a modification of HYDROGEOCHEM which solves reactive multispecies-multicomponent chemical transport problems with mixed geochemical kinetic/equilbrium reactions in saturated/unsaturated media
  MARS 2-D/3-D  MARS 2-D/3-D - MARS is a multiphase groundwater areal remediation simulator to model coupled areal flow of water and light nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL).
  MODFLOW SURFACT  MODFLOW SURFACT - MODFLOW-based ground-water flow and contaminant transport model
  MODFLOWT  MODFLOWT is an enhanced version of the USGS MODFLOW model which includes packages to simulate advective-dispersive, multiple species contaminant transport.
  MODTECH  ModTech is a new 3D groundwater flow and mass transport software that enables you to model groundwater flow and contaminant transport within a real-world geographic (GIS) environment.
  MOFAT  MOFAT is a finite element program that simulates multiphase (water, oil and gas) flow and transport of up to five non-inert chemical species.
  MOVER  MOVER is an areal three-phase (water, oil and gas) finite-element model that can be used to model flow of water, oil and gas, and optimize the recovery of LNAPL and water in the saturated/unsaturated zones.
  MS-VMS  MS-VMS - comprehensive MODFLOW SURFACT based groundwater modeling system
  MT3D99  MT3D99 is a comprehensive three-dimensional numerical model for simulating solute transport (advection, dispersion, 1st order decay,sorption) in complex hydrogeologic settings
  Processing MODFLOW Pro (PMWIN)  Processing MODFLOW Pro (PMWIN) is a graphical interface for MODFLOW, MODPATH, PMPATH, MT3D, RT3D, MOC3D, PEST and UCODE
  SLAEM / MLAEM  SLAEM/MLAEM - Analytic Element Models - model regional groundwater flow in systems of confined aquifers, unconfined aquifers and leaky aquifers
  SVFlux 2D / 3D  SVFlux 2D/3D - Finite element seepage analysis software. Perfomr 2D and 3D flow analysis in unsaturated or saturated soil.
  VAM2D  VAM2D (Variably Saturated Analysis Model in Two (2) Dimensions) is a two-dimensional finite-element groundwater model that simulates transient or steady-state groundwater flow and contaminant transport in porous media.
  Visual MODFLOW  Visual MODFLOW is the proven standard for professional 3D groundwater flow and contaminant transport modeling using MODFLOW-2000, MODPATH, MT3DMS and RT3D.

CHEMFLO-2000 enables users to simulate water movement and chemical fate and transport in vadose zones. The software could be used to assist regulators, environmental managers, consultants, scientists, and students in understanding unsaturated flow and transport processes


U.S. Groundwater Software 


AIR2D, AIR3D (April 20, 1998)
Simulate the movement of air to or from a single borehole screened in the unsaturated zone.
Three dimensional air-flow in a heterogeneous, anisotropic unsaturated zone where air flow is induced through dry wells or trenches, as in vapor- extraction remediation

AIRSLUG (DOS/DG/SGI/Sun) - Version: 1.1 last updated 1996/03/12
A Fortran program to generate type curves to interpret the recovery data from prematurely terminated air-pressurized slug tests

ANALGWST (DG) - Version: 1.1 last updated 1996/04/03
A set of programs that calculate analytical solutions for one-, two-, and three-dimensional solute transport in ground-water systems with uniform flow

AQTESTSS 1.0 released October 4, 2002 Version 1.2, July 2, 2004
Several spreadsheets for the analysis of aquifer-test and slug-test data.

BIOMOC (DOS/DG/SGI/Sun) - Version: 1.0 last updated 1999/03/10
A multispecies solute-transport model with biodegradation

CONTOUR (DG/SGI/Sun) - Version: 2.5 last updated 1996/01/24
A contouring program for gridded data.

GW_Chart Version  (July 28, 2005)
Graphing application for MODFLOW, MOC3D, ZONEBUDGET, SUTRA, MT3D, and HST3D. Also draws Piper diagrams.

HST3D (DOS/DG/Sun) - Version 2.2.12 (July 12, 2005)
Three-dimensional flow, heat, and solute transport model

HYDROTHERM (DG/SGI/Sun) - Version: 2.2 last updated 1997/06/23
Three-dimensional finite-difference model to simulate multiphase ground-water flow and heat transport in the temperature range of 0 to 1,200 degrees Celsius

HYSEP (DOS/DG) - Version: 2.2 last updated 1997/06/10
Hydrograph Separation Program

MF2K-GWM Version 1.0 (April 1, 2005) 
MODFLOW-2000 with capability for ground-water management using optimization

MF2K-GWT, MOC3D, and related programs 
2D and 3D flow and transport; 2D, 2-consituent, variable density

MODBRNCH (DOS/DG/Sun) - Version: 3.7 last updated 1997/06/05
Ground-Water/Surface-Water Coupled Flow Model using USGS MODFLOW and BRANCH Models

Model Viewer Version 1.1 (Oct. 7, 2003)
Model Viewer is a computer program that displays the results of three-dimensional ground-water models.

MODFE (DG/Sun) - Version: 1.2 last updated 1995/08/08
Modular Finite-element Model for areal and axisymmetric ground-water flow problems

MODFLOW, MODFLOW-2000 and related programs  
3D flow, transport, particle tracking, water budget, user-interfaces, surface-water interactions, and parameter estimation

MODFLOWP (DOS/DG/Sun) - Version: 3.2 last updated 1997/10/09
Parameter-Estimation Version of the Modular Model (obsolete program--superseded by MODFLOW-2000)


A computerized method of base-flow-record estimation

PHAST (Windows/Linux/Sun)
PHAST is a 3-dimensional model for simulating ground-water flow, solute transport, and multicomponent geochemical reactions.

PHREEQC Version 2.7, PHREEQCI, NETPATH and related models
A Computer Program for Speciation, Batch-Reaction, One-Dimensional Transport, and Inverse Geochemical Calculations
Net geochemical reactions along a flow path

Model-Estimated Ground-Water Recharge and Hydrograph of Ground-Water Discharge to a Stream

The recession-curve-displacement method for estimating recharge

R-UNSAT (Sept 25, 2001)
Reactive, multispecies transport in a heterogeneous, variably-saturated porous media

SEAWAT and SEAWAT-2000 (DOS) - Version 3.10.01 last updated 3/30/2004
A computer program for simulation of three-dimensional variable-density ground water flow

SHARP (DOS/DG/SGI/Sun) - Version: 1.1 last updated 1999/05/10
A quasi-three-dimensional, numerical finite-difference model to simulate freshwater and saltwater flow separated by a sharp interface in layered coastal aquifer systems

SUTRA and related programs
2D, 3D, variable-density, variably-saturated flow, solute or energy transport

A version of SUTRA for simulating heat and multiple-solute transport.

TopoDrive and ParticleFlow (Feb 13, 2002)
Two Computer Models for Simulation and Visualization of Ground-Water Flow and Transport of Fluid Particles in Two Dimensions

UCODE (DOS/UNIX) - Version: 3.062 last updated (Aug. 1, 2005) A computer code for universal inverse modeling

Utility PIEs Version:  (July 28, 2005)
Programs for simplifying the analysis of geographic information in U.S. Geological Survey ground-water models

VS2DH (Win/UNIX) - Version: 3.2 last updated 2004/10/18
Model for simulating water flow and energy transport in variably saturated porous media.

VS2DI (Win) - Version 1.2 last updated 2004/10/18
A graphical software package for simluating fluid flow and solute or energy transport in variably saturated porous media.

VS2DT (Win/UNIX) - Version: 3.2 last updated 2004/10/18
Model for simulating water flow and solute transport in variably saturated porous media.

WATEQ4F Version 2.46, (Oct. 23, 2002)
A program for calculating speciation of major, trace, and redox elements in natural waters

WTAQ Version 1.0, (Jan. 7, 2000)
A computer program for calculating drawdowns and estimating hydraulic properties for confined and water-table aquifers



 Groundwater software sites

ABCFEM Software — Adrian Brown Consultants Inc. modeling software
American Chemical Society's Division of Environmental Chemistry
Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc. — custom development of environmental management information systems for industry
Environmental Insite — three-dimensional ground water visualization package for analysis of spatial and temporal needs in multianalysis data
Environmental Modeling Research Laboratory
Environmental Modeling Systems Inc. — software and training for ground water, surface water, and hydrologic modeling
Fitts Geosolutions — developer of TWODAN (analytic flow) and SOLUTRANS (analytic transport) packages
Fleet Transit — environmental site management software
Geotech Computer Systems Inc. — environmental software, database management services, custom programming; powerful and customizable software, yet easy to use
HydroGeologic Inc. — providing excellence in environmental services
HydroSOLVE Inc. — AQTESOLV for Windows, software for evaluating pumping tests and slug tests
KRS Enterprises — business management, accounting, job costing, and well log software for ground water contractors
LMNO Engineering, Research, and Software Ltd. — interactive Web site to perform hydraulics calculations and unit conversions with no need to download programs
RockWare Inc.
Scientific Software Group — distributors of hydrology, hydrogeology, geology, and other environmental software
Streamline Groundwater Applications — developers of single well solutions and ground water extraction design
Townley & Associates — developers of software and online tools; Perth, Australia
Waterloo Hydrogeologic — developers of ground water software


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September 2005