Personal CharacteristicsFirst and Last Name : Mohammad Mahdi Rohani Mashhadi.
Date of Birth : 07/04/1326
Place of Birth :Iran-Mashhad.
Professional BackgroundExecutive Activities Faculty member of Graphics Engineering Center , Sharif University of Technology.(since 1354) Founder and in charge of the graphics and the publication center , central office of Jehade Sazandegi.(from 1358 to 1361) Head of the group in charge of the general educational Subject-matters , Sharif University of Technology.(from 1361 to 1371) Member of the board of directors for Tabkam Chemical Company. (70-71) Member of the board of directors for Doona Mineral Company. (71-73) Artistic
Advisor for Behran managing director.(70-73) Managing director of Sharif University Press Organization. (1379-1397) Head of Departments Engineering Graphics Center (1391-1394)
Educational Activities
Teaching engineering graphics (industrial drafting) I & II for engineering students.
Teaching engineering graphics (draft reading) for science students.
Teaching engineering graphics (machine designing) for mechanics and maritime students.
Teaching descriptive geometry I & II for architecture students.
Teaching drawing I & II for architecture students.
Teaching art designing and graphics for the students studying fine arts.
Research Activities
Innovation project in graphics and architecture by using specific instruments.(1376)
Project concerning the preparation of the justifiable plan of the labor university for Mostazafan and Janbazan Foundation.(1371)
Art Activities
Holding the group - painting fair , chamber of commerce , mashhad.(1346) Holding the student graphics and painting fair, University of Technology.(1349, 1350, 1351 & 1354) Designing the new symbol for Sharif University of Technology.(1358) Designing symbol for Jehade Sazandegi.(1358) Holding the graphics and painting fair for the museum of the contemporary arts, Tehran.(1361) Holding the group graphics and painting fair, Mashhad, Tous Painting Gallery.(1368)
Designing the posters for the Islamic Revolution.(approximately 300 cases)(1356 to 1371)
Designing symbols for educational departments and centers of Sharif University of technology.(1370 to 1375)
Designing the front covers, page decoration , and inspection for the publication of the collection of the research articles published by Sharif University of Technology.(1373, 1374 and 1375)
Designing the symbol of the Graduate Society of Sharif University of Technology.(1377)
Designing the Latin symbol of Sharif University of Technology, Kish branch.(1384)
Designing the symbol on the occasion of the 40th,50th anniversary of the foundation of Sharif University of Technology.(1384-1394) Member of the Institute of Veteran Artiste (since 1387) Chosen Veteran Graphics and Artist by Ministry of Islamic Culture and Guidance in year 1387 Chosen Artist in Great Artist Engineering Conference by Municipal Cultural Affairs in 1387 Holdings in Exhibition of Painting Fair and Calligraphics Talar e Vahdat (Vahdat Hall) 1387.
PublicationsTechnical drawing (engineering graphics) book for all of the students studying engineering and science courses - Sharif University press.(1381)
An outline of the artist's works (designing, water-colors, painting , and art graphics)Daf press.(1382)