CE 40-693: Advanced Computer Networks

Saturday/Monday 13:30-15:00 PM
Room: CE 201

Office Hours:      TBA


Networking technologies have had enormous growth in the past decade, and increasingly our daily lives depends on them. To that end, this course is a continuation of the “Computer Networks” course which is being offered at the undergraduate level. Building on the topics covered there, the aim of this course is to introduce advanced concepts and mechanism in networking and familiarize the student with current day issues in the field. Topics which will be covered to various extends include Resource Management (i.e. End-to-End Congestion Control, Fair Queueing, etc.), Wireless (i.e. Routing in ad-hoc networks, Sensor Networks), Overlays (i.e. Distributed Hash Tables), Measurement, and Security.

  Prerequisites: 40-443 Computer Networks or an equivalent course

  References:    There will also be many research papers used as reference for the course.


  This course is primarly based on the graduate level Computer Networks course thought by Srinivasan Seshan at CMU.




Course Material:

This is a tentative class schedule


























