Mohammad Izadi

Associate Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
Director of Distributed and Multiagent Systems Lab (DiSysLab), Department of Computer Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science, Leiden University, The Netherlands.
Dissertation: Model Checking of Component Connectors.
Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
Dissertation: An Integrated Formal Method for Specification and Verification of Component-Based Systems.
Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
Thesis: Mu-Calculus Model Checking.
Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
Thesis: Oddie's Theory on Truthlikness.
Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
Algorithms, Formal (logical and game theoretic) Analysis, Simulation and Implementation
Modal and Temporal Logics, Systems and Software Verification, Model Checking
Game Theoretic Analyses of Distributed Systems, Algorithmic Game Theory
Machine Learning in Computational Linguistics, Formal Semantics, Knowledge Reprsenation
Semantics and Formal Analysis, Functional Programming, Type Systems
Under Construction.
For short time, you can have a look at my Google Scholar publication list, while it is not complete and in particular it doesn't contain my persian publications:
Thesis Title: Minimum Dilation Triangulation Problem in the Plane
Thesis Title: A hybrid method based on scheduling and load balancing to reduce the energy consumption in cloud networks
Thesis Title: A Game Theoretic Approach to Distributed Computing
Thesis Title: Binary Integer Programming By A Situation Recognizing-Based Provident Greedy Method
Joint supervision with Dr. AliAsghar Nazari Shirejini
Thesis Title: Dynamic User-System Conflict Detection in Mixed-Initiative Smart Homes
Thesis Title: Semantics Based Compliance Solving
Joint supervision with Prof. Jafar Habibi
Thesis Title: A Theory of Compliance with Reference in Reo Coordination Models
Thesis Title: An Imperative Programming-Based Semantics for Natural Language Discourse
Thesis Title: Learning methods in Predicting the Outcome of Repeated Games
Thesis Title: Resource management and scheduling of workflows in edge-based infrastructures
Thesis Title: Clustering for Large-Scale Datasets
Thesis Title:
Thesis Title: Developing a simulator for concurrent execution of multiple workflows in fog computing environment
Thesis Title: Modeling and simulation of Edge computing environments via Device-to-device communication method
Thesis Title: Persian query corrector based on deep learning (With emphasis on spatial queries)
Thesis Title: Code Generation of AKKA Actors from Reo Coordination Models
Thesis Title: Natural Language Inference in Persian Texts based on Natural Logic
Thesis Title: Automatic extraction of Persian named entities’ knowledge graph from web sources
Thesis Title: Analysis of resource allocation in federated Clouds using game theoretic approach
Thesis Title: Using Automata of Records as the Semantics of BIP Coordination Model
Thesis Title: A game-theoretic approach to resource management in distributed cloud environments
Thesis Title: Formalizing reference architecture using their styles for conformance checking
Thesis Title: Efficient Algorithm for Network Motifs Discovery
Thesis Title: Hybrid Design of Recommender Systems
I would be happy to talk to you if you need my assistance in your research or academic education. I prefer to communicate through my Sharif email.
You can find me at my administrative office (Room 204 located at the building of the vice-presidency for education affairs of the university) or my personal office (Room 719 in computer engineering department building).
I am at one of my offices between 7 am to 6 pm, all working days!!, but you may consider an email to fix an appointment (surely I prefer to see you after reading your email containing a brief of your problem and setting an appointment) .
Really? Is it that urgent?
My door is always open to guests ... if they can find the door!