Prof. Dr. Ramin
Azadi Avenue, P.O Box:
Tehran, Iran
● Ph.D. in Mechanical
Engineering (Energy Conversion), Sharif University of
Technology, Tehran-Iran
● M.Sc in Energy System
Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran-Iran
● B.Sc in Physics; Isfahan
University of Technology, Isfahan-Iran
Research interests
Modeling and Optimization of
Sustainable Energy Systems, Renewable Energy Technologies,
Solar Energy Conversion, Hydrogen and Fuel cells, Industrial
Symbiosis Modeling and Optimization, Waste Heat Utilization
and Modeling of Energy Demand and Environmental Impacts of
Productive Built Environments: Agricultural Greenhouses,
Vertical Farms and Poultry Houses.
Presented courses
Advanced Mathematical Programming
● Advanced Energy
Fundamentals of Renewable Energies
● Solar Energy
● Hydrogen and Fuel
cell Technology
Professional experiences
● Vice chair for Graduate Studies,
Department of Energy Engineering, Sharif University of
Technology, 2019-present
Guest Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental and
Geomatic Engineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
● Head of Energy System Engineering
Group, Department of Energy Engineering, Sharif University of
Technology, 2010-2018
● Sharif Energy Research Institute,
● Professor, Department of Energy
Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 2020-present
● Associate Professor, Department of
Energy Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 2011-2020
● Assistance Professor, Department
of Energy Engineering, Sharif University of Technology,
● Research Fellowship, Australian
National University (ANU), Power, Plasma and Propulsion
Laboratories (SP3), Canberra-Australia
● International Institute in Energy
Studies, 2007-2008
● Ministry of Energy, Energy
Consumption Optimization Office, 2005-2007
● National Iranian South Oil Company
(NISOC), 2002-2005
Journal papers
Mohebi P., Roshandel R., (2023)
Optimal design
and operation of solar energy system with heat storage for
agricultural greenhouse heating, Energy Conversion
and Management: X 18, 100353
Ayoobi I., Roshandel R., (2022)
Energy Demand
of Supplementary Lighting in Agricultural Greenhouses: Solar
Energy Utilization, Journal of Renewable Energy and
Environment 9 (4), 21-33
Tahery D., Roshandel R., Avami A. (2022),
An integrated
dynamic model for evaluating the influence of ground to air heat
transfer system on heating, cooling and CO2 supply in
Greenhouses: Considering crop transpiration,
Renewable Energy 173, 42-56
Nekoonam S., Roshandel R., (2022)
Modeling and
optimization of a multiple (cascading) phase change material
solar storage system, Thermal Science and Engineering
Progress 23, 100873
Burg V., Golzar F., Bowman G., Hellweg S., Roshandel R.,
Symbiosis opportunities between food and energy system: The
potential of manure‐based biogas as heating source for
greenhouse production, Journal of Industrial Ecology 25 (3),
Golzar F., Heeren N., Hellweg S., Roshandel R., (2021)
Optimisation of energy-efficient greenhouses based on an
integrated energy demand-yield production model, Biosystems
engineering, 202, 1-15
Rezaie F., Roshandel R.,
Hamidi A.A., (2020) Hydrogen
Management in Refineries: Retrofitting of Hydrogen Networks,
Electricity and Ammonia Production, Chemical Engineering
and Processing - Process Intensification
Moltames R., Roshandel R., (2020)
Techno-economic analysis of a modified
concentrating photovoltaic/organic Rankine cycle system,
International Journal of Ambient Energy
Esmaeli H., Roshandel R., (2020) Optimal design for solar
greenhouses based on climate conditions, Renewable Energy
Golzar F., Heeren N., Hellweg S., Roshandel R., (2019) A
comparative study on the environmental impact of greenhouses: A
probabilistic approach, Science of the Total Environment
Jafarinejad T., Shafii M.B, Roshandel R., (2019)
Multistage recovering ventilated air heat through a heat
recovery ventilator integrated with a condenser-side mixing box
heat recovery system, Journal of Building Engineering
Heidari A., Roshandel R., Vakiloroaya V., (2019) An
innovative solar assisted desiccant-based evaporative cooling
system for co-production of water and cooling in hot and humid
climates, Energy Conversion and Management
Hahali R., Shafiee M.B., Roshandel, R., (2018) Energy
efficient cultivation of microalgae using phosphorescence
materials and mirrors, Sustainable Cities and Society
Astaneh M., Roshandel R., Dufo-Lopez R., Bernal-Agustin
J.L., (2018) A novel framework for optimization of size and
control strategy of lithiumion battery based off-grid renewable
energy systems, Energy Conversion and Management
Golzar F., Hereen N., Hellweg, S., Roshandel, R., (2018)
A novel integrated framework to evaluate greenhouse
energy demand and crop yield production, Renewable & Sustainable
Energy Reviews
Bagheri M., Roshandel R., Shayegan J., (2018) Optimal
selection of an integrated produced water treatment system in
the upstream of oil industry, Process Safety and Environmental
Astaneh M., Dufo-Lopez R., Bernal-Agustin J. L., Roshandel, R.,
(2018) A novel lifetime prediction method for lithium-ion
batteries in the case of stand-alone renewable energy systems,
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
Bazdar E., Roshandel R., Yaghmaei S., Madanpour M.,
(2018) The effect of different light intensities and light/dark
regimes on the performance of photosynthetic microalgae
microbial fuel cell, Bioresource Technology
Behzadi Forough A., Roshandel R., (2018) Lifetime
optimization framework for a hybrid renewable energy system
based on receding horizon optimization, Energy
Roshandel R.,
Golzar F., Astaneh M., (2018) Technical, economic and
environmental optimization of combined heat and power systems
based on solid oxide fuel cell for a greenhouse case study,
Energy Conversion and Management
Astaneh M., Dufo-Lopez R., Roshandel R., Golzar F.,
Bernal-Agustin J. L., (2018) A computationally efficient Li-ion
electrochemical battery model for long-term analysis of
stand-alone renewable energy systems, Journal of Energy Storage
Hooshmand P., Shafiee M.B., Roshandel R., (2018) An
experimental study of a solar hybrid system to produce
freshwater from waste heat of photovoltaic module by using
thermosyphon heat pipes, Energy Conversion and Management
Karami M., Koohestani H., Yaadavar H., Roshandel R.,
Karbasion M., (2017) Implementing conceptual model using
renewable energies in rural area of Iran, Information Processing
in Agriculture
Aghaei M., Ganji Azad R., Roshandel R., Ashjari M.A.,
(2017) Two-phase flow separation in axial free vortex flow,
Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows
Parhizgar T., Mosleh A., Roshandel R., (2017) Aging based
optimal scheduling framework for power plants using equivalent
operating hour approach, Applied Energy
Behzadi Forough A., Roshandel R., (2017) Multi objective
receding horizon optimization for optimal schedulingof hybrid
renewable energy system, Energy and Buildings
Homayooni F., Roshandel R., Hamidi A.A. (2017)
Techno-economic and environmental analysis of an integrated
standalone hybrid solar hydrogen system to supply CCHP loads of
a greenhouse in Iran, International Journal of Green Energy
Homayooni F., Roshandel R., Hamidi A.A. (2017) Sizing and
performance analysis of standalone hybrid
photovoltaic/battery/hydrogen storage technology power
generation systems based on Energy Hub concept, International
Journal of Green Energy
Shirzadi N., Roshandel R., Shafiee M.B., (2017)
Integration of miniature heat pipes into a proton exchange
membrane fuel cell for cooling application, Heat Transfer
Parhizgar T., Roshandel R., (2016) Long term performance
degradation analysis and optimization of anode supported solid
oxide fuel cell stacks, Energy Conversion and Management
Ebrahimi S., Roshandel R., Vijayaraghavan K., (2016)
Power density optimization of PEMFC cathode with non-uniform
catalyst layer by Simplex method and numerical simulation,
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Behzadi Forough A., Roshandel R., (2016) Design and
operation optimization of an internal reforming solid oxide fuel
cell integrated system based on multi objective approach,
Applied Thermal Engineering
Maroufmashat M., Sattari S., Roshandel R., Fowler A.,
Elkamel A., (2016) Multi-objective Optimization for Design and
Operation of Distributed Energy Systems through the Multi-energy
Hub Network Approach, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry
Parhizgar T., Roshandel R., (2016) Degradation Based
Optimization Framework for Long Term Applications of Energy
Systems, Case Study: Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Stacks, Energy
Maroufmashat, A., Fowler, M., Sattari, S., Elkamel, A.,
Roshandel , R., Hajimiragha, A., (2015) Mixed integer linear
programming based approach for optimal planning and operation of
a smart urban energy network to support the hydrogen economy,
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 1-17
Ozgoli, H. A., Ghadamian, H., Roshandel R., Moghadasi,
M., (2015) Alternative Biomass Fuels Consideration Exergy and
Power Analysis for Hybrid System Includes SOFC and GT
Integration, Energy Sources Part A, 37, 1962-1970
Afsham, N., Roshandel, R., Yaghmaei, S., Vajihinejad V.,
Sherafatmand, M., (2015) Bioelectricity generation in a soil
microbial fuel cell with biocathode denitrification, Energy
Source part A, 37, 2092-2098
Maroufmashat, A., Elkamel, A., Fowler, M., Sattari, S.,
Roshandel, R., Hajimiragha, A., Walker, S., Entchev, E.,
(2015) Modeling and optimization of a network of energy hubs to
improve economic and emission considerations, Energy, 93,
Seyedin, F., Marrofmashat, A., Roshandel, R., Sattari,
S., (2014) Optimal design and operation of a photovoltaic-
electrolyser system using particle swarm optimization,
International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 35, 566-582
Golzar, F., Astaneh, M., Roshandel, R., Behzadi Forough,
A., (2014) Reducing CO2 emission from exhaust gases using molten
carbonate fuel cells; a new approach, International Journal of
Ambient Energy, 1-10
Roshandel, R.,
Golzar, F., Astaneh, M., Multi objective optimization of molten
carbonate fuel cell system for reducing CO2 emission
from exhaust gases, Frontiers in Energy
Ahmadi, S., Rezaie Mirghaed, M., Roshandel, R., (2014)
Performance of a standalone wind-hydrogen power system for
regions with seasonal wind profile: A case study in Khaf region,
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 7, 265-278
Ahmadi F., Roshandel R., (2014) Effects of Micro
Hydrophobic Porous Layer on Water Distribution in Polymer
Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells, ASME, Journal of Fuel Cell
Science and Technology, 11, 011004
Behzadi, F. A., Roshandel. R., (2013) Multi Objective
Optimization of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Stacks Considering
Parameter Effects: Fuel Utilization and Hydrogen Cost, AIP,
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 5, 053124
Roshandel. R.,
Behzadi, F. A., (2013) Two strategies for multi-objective
optimisation of solid oxide fuel cell stacks, International
Journal of Sustainable Energy, DOI: 10.1080/14786451.2013.777337
Tahmasbi, Hosseini, Roshandel, R., (2013) A new approach
to multi-objective optimisation method in PEM fuel cell,
International Journal of Sustainable Energy,
Rezaie Mirghaed, Roshandel, R., (2013) Site Specific
Optimization of Wind Turbines Energy Cost: Iterative Approach,
Energy Conversion and Management, 73, 167-175
Roshandel, R.,
Parhizgar, T., (2013) new approach to optimize the operating
conditions of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell based on
degradation mechanisms, Energy Systems, 4, 219-237
Vatani, A., Khazaeli, A., Roshandel, R., Panjehshahi,
(2013) Thermodynamic analysis of application of organic Rankine
cycle for heat recovery from an integrated DIR-MCFC with
pre-reformer, Energy Conversion and Management, 67,
Roshandel, R.,
Ahmadi, F., (2013) Effects of catalyst loading gradient in
catalyst layers on performance of polymer electrolyte membrane
fuel cells, Renewable Energy, 50, 921-931
Arbabi, F., Roshandel, R., Karimi Moghaddam, G., (2012)
Numerical modeling of an innovative bipolar plate design based
on the leaf venation patterns for PEM fuel cells, IJE
TRANSACTIONS C: Aspects Vol. 25, No. 3, 177-186
Roshandel, R.,
Arbabi, F., Karimi Moghadam, G., (2012) Simulation of an
innovative flow field design based on a bio inspired pattern for
PEM fuel cells, Renewable Energy, 41, (2012) 86-95
Tavakoli, B., Roshandel, R., (2011)
The effect of fuel cell operational conditions on water content
distribution in polymer electrolyte membrane,
Renewable Energy, 36, 3319-3331
Bakhshian, S., Kariminia, H., Roshandel, R., (2011)
Bioelectricity generation enhancement in a dual chamber
microbial fuel cell under cathodic enzyme catalyzed dye
Decolorization, Bioresource Technology, 102, 6761-6765
Roshandel, R.,
Farhanieh, B., (2007) The effects of
non-uniform distribution of catalyst loading on polymer
electrolyte membrane fuel cell performance, International
Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 32, 4424-4437
Roshandel, R.,
Farhanieh, B., (2007) Numerical simulation of the effect of
non-uniform gas diffusion layer porosity on polymer electrolyte
membrane fuel cell performance, International Journal of
20, 79-192
Roshandel, R.,
Farhanieh, B., Saivar, E., (2005)
The effect of variable porosity distribution of gas diffusion
layer on PEM fuel cell performance,
Renewable Energy, 30, 1557-1572